Sunday, August 4, 2013

loving kindness VS Subtle Mind practice

Ok lets try this blog post again I posted it last night but it has disappeared! I think yesterday just wasn't my day. Oh well everything happens for a reason maybe this blog post will be better than yesterday post.

I did very well with the Loving Kindness exercise but not so well with the Subtle Mind. I was not it a good mood yesterday so it probably wasn't the best time for the exercise. I found it very hard to allow myself to relax and that alone frustrated me. It is crazy to me that some of these exercise work well but most of them tend to make me feel frustrated.

I never placed much thought into how much of a connection there was to spiritual, mental, and physical wellness. I use to only focus on physical wellness but now I am trying to take more time to focus on spiritual and mental wellness. I most times do not allow myself to relax enough to so I am working on changing that. I have tried yoga in the past but didn't care much for it I recently tried it again and have actually learned to enjoy it I think it is because I have a new perspective on things.


  1. Hi Hilary,

    I found the loving kindness exercise a little difficult compared to the subtle mind. We all have different experiences. Reading different blogs helps us to think about things we haven't before.
    I agree with your post regarding new perspective on things. Sometimes viewing things from a different standpoint helps us to embrace new ideas and things.


  2. Hi Hilary,
    I found that the subtle mind exercise worked better for me than the loving kindness exercise. I think that embracing new ideas and things is actually taking us to the next level. Each new idea helps us grow and understand more situations. How do you think we could continue expanding our minds? Is our wisdom within ourselves?

  3. Hilary,
    I understand your frustrations! I have had many mood swings recently and I find it really hard to focus/concentrate on things. I also did not fall in love seriously with yoga until a couple months ago. My mental health took a turn for the worse and it was a way to wind down, breathe calmly, and control my body's urge to lose it. Keep at it! Some things may just not be for everybody (as I am learning reading other's blogs!) Great post.
    Amanda Vaccaro
