Saturday, August 17, 2013

Meeting Aesclepius exercise

Those of you who read my blog probably already know I have not had much success with the exercises that I have recently tried; but here goes nothing I am going to try another one. This exercise is called meeting Aesclepius. I tried to go into this exercise with an open mind but I once again had a hard time doing this exercise, I just couldn't stay focused. I could picture my individual but couldn't keep focus on her. I tried several time but got frustrated, I really don't think these exercises are for me I do so much better doing my own thing.
I think the reason I get so frustrated is because how can I help others if I can't seem to make it work. I totally agree "One cannot lead another where one has not gone himself". This is why I refuse to give up! I may not succeed at these exercises but I feel that during this class I have come a long way, I have just done it a little differently. I have started doing yoga and also just placing a lot of focus on my breathing when I exercise.


  1. HI Hilary,

    The exercises are different for all of us. What works for one, may not work for others. And that is ok. Glad to hear you started yoga. Maybe yoga is more your thing. After doing yoga for a while, maybe you can try a meditation that doesn't have a lot of talking. I find the sounds of crashing waves to be very relaxing.


  2. Hillary, it sounds like you've made a lot of progress on your own. I've found that I respond better to some meditations than others. I have been participating in Deepak Chopra's free 21-day meditation series along with our "loving-kindness" exercise and still have days where I find it difficult to tune out the "chatter". I guess that's why they call it a practice, we need to find what works for us and keep working on it. The yoga sounds like a great way of doing this! I look forward to hearing your progress next week.

  3. Hillary, it sounds like you've made a lot of progress on your own in the past few weeks. I have been doing both Deepak Chopra's free 21-day meditation series along with the "loving-kindness", but still have difficulty some days with blocking out the "chatter". I guess that's why they call it a "practice" as it's something we need to continue working on. Your yoga sounds like a great way to integrate this. I look forward to hearing your progress next week.

  4. Hi Hilary,

    It is great that you do not give up, and understand the need to persevere. This is exactly why practicing these methods is important. We will be able to empathize with another who is learning to incorporate integral practices in their own life. You will be able to help someone else who struggles with this. Yoga should accomplish many of the same benefits, as meditation. I'm glad you are on the path with us!
    - Laurie

  5. Hi,

    I had to laugh after reading your blog. Its amazing how when you think things will get better, it gets a little tight which it shouldn't be. Patience, patience.

  6. I am right there with you on not being able to focus on these exercises. i don't get thirty seconds of concentration in before something in my life preoccupies me. better luck to us both next week Jess
